About Sarah Cannon Cancer Institute

As part of Sarah Cannon, the Cancer Institute of HCA Healthcare, our family of hospitals provides comprehensive cancer services with convenient access to cutting-edge therapies for people facing cancer in our communities. From diagnosis to treatment and survivorship care, our oncology expertise ensures you have access to locally trusted care with the support of a globally recognized network.

askSARAH helpline

Have cancer questions? We can help. askSARAH is a dedicated helpline for your cancer-related questions. Our specially trained nurses are available 24/7, and all calls are confidential. Contact askSARAH at (804) 591-4152 or chat online at askSARAH.

Cancer care centers in Virginia

Together with Sarah Cannon, the Cancer Institute of HCA Healthcare, HCA Virginia hospitals offer integrated cancer services with convenient access to cutting-edge therapies for people with cancer. Recognized as leaders in cancer care, our specialists use evidence-based care to provide you with advanced treatment and continued support throughout your cancer journey.

For more information about cancer diagnostics, treatments and other services, call askSARAH at (804) 591-4152.

Comprehensive cancer care

We understand that receiving a cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming, which is why our goal is to ensure your care and treatment is not. Our multidisciplinary team is dedicated to providing you with comprehensive, compassionate cancer care—from diagnosis through survivorship.

Through our network of accredited oncology programs, we provide a full range of services for preventing, diagnosing and treating cancer. You will also have access to:

  • Clinical trials — Clinical research trials are conducted by our oncologists and are aimed at finding additional, innovative ways to treat cancer.
  • Expertise in support — We provide full support from oncology-dedicated psychosocial specialists, nutritionists and chaplains, as well as access to physical rehabilitation services and peer support groups.
  • Specialized care — We are one of the only community health systems with clinics dedicated to particular types of cancer, including brain, breast, colorectal, gastrointestinal, gynecologic, lung and thoracic, prostate and skin cancers.
  • State-of-the-art facilities — We provide multiple locations for screening and diagnosis, surgery, radiation and acute care services throughout Virginia.

Integrated team of cancer specialists

When you come to an HCA Virginia hospital for cancer treatment, you'll get care from a team representing several disciplines. They work together to develop the right plan for you and give you the best outcome possible. This team consists of:

  • Medical, surgical and radiation oncologists
  • Oncology-certified nurses
  • Physicians from the medical specialty related to your type of cancer, such as dermatologists, gastroenterologists, gynecologists or pulmonologists
  • Plastic/reconstructive surgeons
  • Radiologists
  • Pathologists
  • Physical and occupational therapists
  • Dietitians
  • Social workers
  • Chaplains
  • Financial and legal counselors

Oncology nurse navigators

Nurse navigators are members of your multidisciplinary care team, serving as advocates and educators for you from diagnosis through survivorship. Our nurse navigators help coordinate your care and address any barriers you may face to support you throughout your cancer journey.

Our nurse navigators:

  • Connect you to resources available throughout your cancer journey
  • Help you understand your diagnosis, treatment plans and medications
  • Improve communication between the healthcare team and host multidisciplinary cancer conferences to ensure that you receive a personalized treatment plan
  • Provide education around treatment options and clinical trial availability

Types of cancer we treat

Our oncology specialists are experienced in treating a wide range of cancers, including but not limited to:

Head and neck cancers

Head and neck cancers affect the mouth, nose, sinuses and throat. Our hospitals offer a multidisciplinary approach for surgery, chemotherapy and radiation services aimed at treating head and neck cancers.

Metastatic cancer

Metastatic cancer is a type of cancer that starts in one part of the body and metastasizes, or spreads, to another part of the body. Our doctors develop personalized treatment plans to balance your and your family’s goals with the latest clinical expertise. Our metastatic cancer program gives you full access to clinical trials and advanced treatments for the liver and brain for cancer metastasis.

Skin cancer

Skin cancer is a type of cancer that can affect multiple layers of the skin. Our specially trained experts use advanced diagnostic and treatment techniques to care for all types of skin cancer, including melanoma.

Thyroid cancer

Thyroid cancer affects the thyroid gland. The specially trained experts at our hospitals use evidence-based care to treat thyroid cancer.

Cancer treatments we offer

Some cancers can be treated with one method while others are fought most effectively through a combination of treatment approaches. Your cancer care team will design a treatment plan designed for your specific needs and type of cancer.


Chemotherapy, a type of infusion therapy, is a drug-based treatment that uses powerful medicine to kill fast-growing cancer cells. Chemotherapy is a common treatment for many patients with cancer.

Radiation therapy

Radiation therapy is an advanced cancer treatment that uses high-energy X-rays to destroy cancer cells. This form of treatment, a part of many patients’ care plans, works well when used with surgery and chemotherapy.


Immunotherapy uses your immune system to detect and fight cancer. It can be used as a primary treatment method or in combination with other treatments (such as chemotherapy and radiation). This type of treatment can cause tumors to shrink significantly, reduce certain side effects and help control cancer over a prolonged period.

Lymphedema therapy

If you have lymphedema, which occurs when lymph fluid builds up in the arms or legs, we can help. Our certified lymphedema specialists and therapists evaluate your condition and use a variety of therapeutic techniques to treat it. They can help control swelling and develop long-term management strategies that are right for you.

Interventional oncology

Interventional oncology is used to help patients whose cancer cannot be surgically removed or effectively treated with chemotherapy. Treatment options include radiofrequency ablation (RFA) (killing the tumor with heat) and cryoablation (destroying cancer cells with cold temperatures).

Some of our interventional oncology procedures include:

  • Complex biopsies
  • Drug-eluting bead embolization
  • Tumor ablation
  • Tumor embolization
    • Chemoembolization
    • Intra-arterial yttrium-90 radioembolization

Surgical oncology

When cancer is detected, one option for treatment is the surgical removal of the tumor. If the decision is made to proceed with surgery, our doctors specialize in the removal of many types of cancer and use minimally invasive surgical techniques whenever possible.